When Should I Start Seeds Indoors

Whether you’re just tipping your toe into starting seeds indoors or you’re an old pro, the goal each year is to have healthy, hardy sprouts ready to move outdoors at the correct time. Start seeds indoors too early and you might have plants that are root bound, perhaps with buds or flowers, which can impede reestablishment when they are transplanted. Start seeds indoors too late and you’ll end up with weak seedlings that may not survive the hardening off process. 

So what is the perfect time to start seeds indoors? That golden moment depends upon you! The types of seeds you want to germinate and your plant hardiness zone will determine when to start seeds indoors.   

First, create your garden plan. Click here to see our guide for a successful garden plan. 

Once you have created your garden plan, make a list of all the plants you intend to plant. This will help you determine how many plants of each variety you will need for a successful harvest or display. At Mosser Lee, we recommend planting at least 20% more seeds than you need. You may find additional spaces that need filling and of course, seedlings are always wonderful to share with neighbors or with plant swappers.

What do I need to Start Seeds Indoors?

Many people are very successful in starting their seeds with minimal equipment. When you have a bright sunny eastern-facing window, seed starting can be very cost effective. You can start seeds without expensive custom trays or containers. 

Thoroughly wash yogurt or pudding containers and cut drainage holes. You can do the same with plastic milk or juice jugs, cutting them down to about 6” high and adding drainage holes. Collect toilet paper rolls and fold over about an inch, creating a bottom. Bonus – paper rolls can be moved directly into your garden as they will compost, providing nutrients to your soil. 

There is one thing you can’t skimp on. A high quality seed starting mix is vital for germination and growth success. Our SucSeed Seed Starter medium is proven to help your seedlings develop strong and robust root systems, prevent overwatering and provide fast and high germination rates. It’s peat-free, lightweight and recommended by the National Home Garden Club. 

When the seed starting bug really takes hold, you may want to purchase items that allow you to better control the seedling’s environment.

When to start seeds indoors

Do I need a Grow Light? What kind of Grow Light should I get?

Grow lights help prevent leggy seedlings. When the seeds aren’t stretching for light, they grow more compactly, giving you fuller, more robust leaves instead of long, reaching stems.

In the past, grow lights were large, clunky, and cost-prohibitive. Today’s LED technology has now made grow lights adaptable, inexpensive and easy to manage. Shop lamps and fluorescents will work fine.  Photosynthesis happens best in a red/blue combination and doesn’t really require “daylight” spectrum bulbs. 

You can find grow lights with:

  • Bendable arms. Position your light close to the seeds, moving lights up as plants grow. 
  • Timer capability. Seedlings typically need 16-18 hours of light each day.
  • Multiple settings. These can help you accommodate plants with different needs.  

Should I use a heating pad to start seeds indoors?

Beware – a heating pad that you might use for an aching back is not appropriate for seed starting. These pads are not waterproof, do not maintain a steady temperature and can easily fry out your seedlings. Purchase a certified heat mat or germination heat mat created specifically for seed germination. 

Seeds started at a constant, warm temperature are more successful. They will:

  • Germinate sooner 
  • Produce healthier roots
  • Avoid damping off

What is damping off?

Damping off is the most common problem in starting seed indoors. It’s caused by a variety of water molds and fungi. Healthy young seedlings can be affected overnight. They blacken and die as stem rot occurs at soil level, causing the plant’s tissue to collapse. Because Mosser Lee’s SucSeed Seed Starter is made of sustainably harvested, milled long-fibered sphagnum moss, the fungi and molds cannot grow, so damping off is avoided.

What kind of seed trays should I use when starting seedlings indoors?

when to start seeds indoors - seedlings started in a toilet paper roll

At Mosser Lee, we are committed to preserving and improving the environment in everything we do. For many gardeners, plastic is the bane of their existence; it holds mulch, soil, plants and seedlings. It seems to contain nearly everything gardeners buy. 

Reuse those plastic containers and seedling trays you’ve already purchased by washing them in a light bleach solution and warm water and then drying thoroughly. Consider using reusable and recyclable sheet pans to hold your seedling containers. Avoid peat based products. Peat moss is not considered a renewable resource and harvesting peat from bogs releases 2 billion tons of greenhouse gas into our atmosphere each year. Long-fibered sphagnum moss products, like the ones from Mosser Lee, are harvested sustainably, with the moss renewing itself year after year. It’s compostable, non-toxic and has been recommended by the USDA since 1944.

Reuse those plastic containers and seedling trays you’ve already purchased by washing them in a light bleach solution and warm water and then drying thoroughly. Consider using reusable and recyclable sheet pans to hold your seedling containers. 

Avoid peat based products. Peat moss is not considered a renewable resource and harvesting peat from bogs releases 2 billion tons of greenhouse gas into our atmosphere each year. Long-fibered sphagnum moss products, like the ones from Mosser Lee, are harvested sustainably, with the moss renewing itself year after year. It’s compostable, non-toxic and has been recommended by the USDA since 1944.

Plant hardiness zones and Seed Starting

Sometimes called a grow zone, understanding your plant hardiness zone is essential for deciding when to start seeds indoors. The USDA created this standard to help gardeners determine which plants will thrive in their region and, most importantly for seed starting, your average last frost date. 

When you live in Zone 2, the upper reaches of Minnesota in the United States, you could see a frost as late as June 4th. When you live in Zone 6, much of Kansas, Missouri and Ohio, your latest frost comes about April 21. Annuals that have been started from seed should not be transplanted outdoors until the last frost date has passed.

How to Read a Seed Packet

When you purchase seeds from a reputable source, you’ll be given a wealth of information on the packet about how to start seeds indoors. You’ll see planting depth recommendations, soil and light recommendations and, to help determine your seed starting date, days to transplant. For instance, your packet may read “start seeds indoors 2-3 weeks before transplanting.” From your last frost date, April 21 for example, count back 14-21 days to arrive at your seed starting date, determining the best indoor starting dates are April 1 to April 8th.

Cold Stratification and Scarification

While many types of seeds can be sowed with no preparation, there are some that will need special care. Seeds such as prairie coneflower, pincushion and milkweed need cold stratification. Other seeds will need scarification, like nasturtium, sweet pea and morning glory. When going through all the steps involved in how to start an avocado seed, scarification is number one on the list of things to do.  

Are you hoping to grow milkweed to help support the Monarch butterfly? Click here and we’ll send you a packet of seeds with growing instructions – free!

Indoor Seed Starting Chart

Mosser Lee has collected the “days to transplant” of some of the most popular seeds to start indoors. Find your plant hardiness zone here, and then determine your average last frost date here. Double check the packet of your particular variety of annual.

CropWeeks Before Final Frost to Start Seeds
Ageratum10-12 Weeks
Artichokes8 Weeks
Aster8 Weeks
Bachelor's Button6 weeks
Basil6 Weeks
Bee Balm7 Weeks
Black Eyed Susan8-10 Weeks
Broccoli4-6 Weeks
Brussel Sprouts4-6 Weeks
Butterfly Weed10 Weeks
Cabbage4-6 Weeks
Calendula6-8 Weeks
Caster Bean6-8 Weeks
Cauliflower4-6 Weeks
Celery10-12 Weeks
Cleome6-8 Weeks
Collards4-6 Weeks
Cucumber4-6 Weeks
Delphinium10 Weeks
Echinacea6-8 Weeks
Eggplant8-10 Weeks
Forget-Me-Not8 Weeks
Fox Glove10 Weeks
Gaillardia10 Weeks
Holly Hock8 Weeks
Impatiens10 Weeks
Kale4-6 Weeks
Lupine9 Weeks
Leeks8-10 Weeks
Marigolds6-8 Weeks
Morning Glory3-4 Weeks
Mustard4-6 Weeks
Nasturtium6 Weeks
Okra4-6 Weeks
Onions8-10 Weeks
Pansy12 Weeks
Parsley9-10 Weeks
Pelargonium10 Weeks
Peppers8 Weeks
Petunia8 Weeks
Phlox8 Weeks
Sage6-8 Weeks
Salvia10 Weeks
Snapdragon10 Weeks
Spinach4-6 Weeks
Sun Flower6 Weeks
Sweet William10 Weeks
Swiss Chard4-6 Weeks
Tomatoes6-8 Weeks
Yarrow8-12 Weeks
Zinnia8 Weeks

Indoor Seed Starting Groups

Starting seeds in groups can be helpful to your schedule and give you a bountiful harvest. Consider starting these plants at roughly the same time. For instance, you’ll start tomato seeds indoors at the same time that you’ll start eggplant. Ratatouille, anyone? 

Double check your cold loving plants such as cabbage, broccoli and brussel sprouts. You may want to start those seeds indoors when it’s still snowing outside!

CropWeeks Before Final Frost to Start Seeds
Ageratum10-12 Weeks
Artichokes8 Weeks
Aster8 Weeks
Bachelor's Button6 weeks
Basil6 Weeks
Bee Balm7 Weeks
Black Eyed Susan8-10 Weeks
Broccoli4-6 Weeks
Brussel Sprouts4-6 Weeks
Butterfly Weed10 Weeks
Cabbage4-6 Weeks
Calendula6-8 Weeks
Caster Bean6-8 Weeks
Cauliflower4-6 Weeks
Celery10-12 Weeks
Cleome6-8 Weeks
Collards4-6 Weeks
Cucumber4-6 Weeks
Delphinium10 Weeks
Echinacea6-8 Weeks
Eggplant8-10 Weeks
Forget-Me-Not8 Weeks
Fox Glove10 Weeks
Gaillardia10 Weeks
Holly Hock8 Weeks
Impatiens10 Weeks
Kale4-6 Weeks
Lupine9 Weeks
Leeks8-10 Weeks
Marigolds6-8 Weeks
Morning Glory3-4 Weeks
Mustard4-6 Weeks
Nasturtium6 Weeks
Okra4-6 Weeks
Onions8-10 Weeks
Pansy12 Weeks
Parsley9-10 Weeks
Pelargonium10 Weeks
Peppers8 Weeks
Petunia8 Weeks
Phlox8 Weeks
Sage6-8 Weeks
Salvia10 Weeks
Snapdragon10 Weeks
Spinach4-6 Weeks
Sun Flower6 Weeks
Sweet William10 Weeks
Swiss Chard4-6 Weeks
Tomatoes6-8 Weeks
Yarrow8-12 Weeks
Zinnia8 Weeks

Group A – Start these plants indoors 10-12 weeks (70-84 days) before your last frost.

CropWeeks Before Final Frost to Start Seeds
Ageratum10-12 Weeks
Black Eyed Susan8-10 Weeks
Butterfly Weed10 Weeks
Celery10-12 Weeks
Delphinium10 Weeks
Eggplant8-10 Weeks
Fox Glove10 Weeks
Gaillardia10 Weeks
Impatiens10 Weeks
Lupine9 Weeks
Leeks8-10 Weeks
Onions8-10 Weeks
Pansy12 Weeks
Parsley9-10 Weeks
Pelargonium10 Weeks
Salvia10 Weeks
Snapdragon10 Weeks
Sweet William10 Weeks
Yarrow8-12 Weeks

Group B – Start these plants indoors 8-10 weeks (56-70 days) before your last frost.

CropWeeks Before Final Frost to Start Seeds
Artichokes8 Weeks
Aster8 Weeks
Black Eyed Susan8-10 Weeks
Butterfly Weed10 Weeks
Celery10-12 Weeks
Cleome6-8 Weeks
Echinacea6-8 Weeks
Eggplant8-10 Weeks
Forget-Me-Not8 Weeks
Fox Glove10 Weeks
Gaillardia10 Weeks
Holly Hock8 Weeks
Impatiens10 Weeks
Lupine9 Weeks
Leeks8-10 Weeks
Marigolds6-8 Weeks
Onions8-10 Weeks
Parsley9-10 Weeks
Pelargonium10 Weeks
Peppers8 Weeks
Petunia8 Weeks
Phlox8 Weeks
Sage6-8 Weeks
Salvia10 Weeks
Snapdragon10 Weeks
Sweet William10 Weeks
Tomatoes6-8 Weeks
Yarrow8-12 Weeks
Zinnia8 Weeks

Group C – Start these plants indoors 4-6 weeks (28-42 days) before your last frost. While many of these can be direct sown outside, they can also benefit from a little extra boost to get a strong healthy start.

CropWeeks Before Final Frost to Start Seeds
Bachelor's Button6 weeks
Basil6 Weeks
Bee Balm7 Weeks
Broccoli4-6 Weeks
Brussel Sprouts4-6 Weeks
Cabbage4-6 Weeks
Cauliflower4-6 Weeks
Cleome6-8 Weeks
Collards4-6 Weeks
Cucumber4-6 Weeks
Kale4-6 Weeks
Morning Glory3-4 Weeks
Mustard4-6 Weeks
Nasturtium6 Weeks
Okra4-6 Weeks
Spinach4-6 Weeks
Sun Flower6 Weeks
Swiss Chard4-6 Weeks

Can I start seeds indoors earlier than recommended?

The short answer is yes, but you’ll need to make some adjustments. When you begin earlier than recommended, little seedlings can become big seedlings very quickly and will need to be hardened off and transplanted earlier, while there is still the threat of frost which will kill annual flowers, vegetables and tender perennials. Starting seeds indoors too early makes it a struggle to keep your plants thriving. You may want to invest in hoop houses, cold frames and row covers to extend growing times.

The benefit of starting seeds earlier is that you are moving up your harvest date and can enjoy your favorite veggies and a vibrant floral display a bit sooner. Consider staggering your planting schedule to extend your harvest throughout the season. Many gardeners prefer to divide their quantity of seeds into portions, starting one portion each week for several weeks. This way, plants grow and vegetables mature at different times, ensuring a steady supply throughout the season.

Can I start seeds late?

Absolutely! Your plants will be smaller than plants sown earlier, but when starting indoors in a high quality seed starter, you’ll achieve robust root growth for healthy seedlings.

What Seeds should I sow directly or plant directly into the ground

Many vegetable and flower varieties do very well when direct sown or planted directly into the ground or outdoor container. Check your seed packet to determine the grower’s recommendation. Some vegetables such as peas and spinach can be sown before your last frost date; that information will also be on the packet. 

BeetsBachelor's buttons
SquashSweet peas
Swiss chardZinnia

Senator Patrick Testin Donates a Day’s Work

Wisconsin State Senator Patrick Testin (24th district) donated a day’s work at the Mosser Lee plant in Millston. Senator Testin tries to work in a constituent’s business each month. At the Company plant, he ran the stone filling machine, filling bags with the Company’s stone products, packed cartons and filled pallets.

In the afternoon, David Epstein, President took Senator Testin to one of the moss marshes where the Company’s crew was harvesting long fibered sphagnum moss.

on the job at Mosser Lee
Central Wisconsin is home to many unique products, and, I had the opportunity to work with one when I went “On the Job” at Mosser Lee in Millston, WI. Mosser Lee is a family business that thrived for decades harvesting and distributing sphagnum moss. In fact, Mosser Lee is the largest harvester of long-fibered sphagnum moss products in the United States. Though at one point it was used for dressing wounds because of its absorbent and anti-bacterial qualities, sphagnum is primarily used in horticultural or decorative applications today. I spent my day in the warehouse preparing products for shipping and enjoyed learning more about another great product of the 24th Senate District.

Mosser Lee Contributes Mossing Artifacts to the Millston History Museum

Mosser Lee donated several items of historical value to the Millston History Museum in Millston. The donation included several picture of early moss harvesting, some dating back to the late 1800s. The donation included detailed descriptions of harvesting methods over the years and a pegboard presentation describing the special attributes and uses for sphagnum moss over the years.

Moss harvesting has changed significantly over the 170 years that long fibered sphagnum moss has been harvested in Jackson County. Modern harvest equipment replace hand tools which were used until Mosser Lee employees and a local machine shop developed a mechanized moss harvesting machine.

The method used for baling the dry moss has also changed over the years. Moss was pressed into 3.5 cubic foot bales using a wooden lever-press. The press was operated by one person, sometimes a child in the moss family. Corner supporting sticks were placed in the bottom two corners and the open deck was filled with dry moss. Two sticks were placed on the top of the moss in the corners and the chamber top was slid on with the lever handle pulled down. While in the press, the formed bale was tied with baling wire in three places to hold the sticks in place.

Few moss presses exist. They have not been used for almost 30 years. Today, moss is pressed by hand into a plastic bale bag, so there is no commercial use for the moss press.

The Millston History Museum wanted to highlight the area’s historical sphagnum moss industry and requested historical artifacts from Mosser Lee, the only remaining company specializing in sphagnum moss products. David Epstein, President of Deli, Inc. and the Mosser Lee Division was happy to donate the artifacts to the museum along with several hand tools and pictures of the harvesting methods long gone.

Mosser Lee Donates Sheet Moss to John G. Shedd Aquarium

The John G. Shedd Aquarium’s Oceanarium depicts the ecosystem of the Pacific Northwest. The forested area of the exhibit includes large boulders covered with moss. Mosser Lee packages this type of moss and is the largest supplier of sheet moss in the US. Learning the Aquarium wanted to replace the existing moss that had faded, provide all the moss necessary to replace the existing faded moss.