Window boxes are not just for raising colorful flowers to enhance your home’s exterior. They are also great for vegetable and herb gardens. If you have limited outdoor space and you miss fresh homegrown food, invest in some window box gardens. Place them below windows, along porch railings, or in any sunny location.
Metal and wire window boxes, which have large reinforced hangers, are readily available at most lawn and garden centers. The type of window box you choose will depend upon the type of flowers and plants you wish to grow and your artistic abilities. Both solid metal and wire-style window boxes are widely used today.

DIY Window Box Planter Steps
1. Place your window box on a railing making sure that it is securely fastened. Remember that summer winds can be strong so use extra wire to secure it to the railing.
2. Line the inside of the window box planter with about 2-1/2″ of Mosser Lee’s Long-Fibered Sphagnum Moss. The moss will keep the soil away from the container and provide a sponge-like blanket to absorb excess watering. The moss will also keep the plants and soil moist allowing you to water less often. Remember, use gloves when handling mosses, plants and soils.
3. Place a good potting soil on top of the moss and plant your plants as suggested in What Plants Should I Grow in my Hanging Basket?
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Herb Wreath
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How to Create a Terrarium
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